pemanfaat koleksi kitab kuning di pondok al-Hikam
Buku ini membahas tentang suatu pemikiran keadaan dunia perpustakaan baik tentang profesi pustakawan sampai membahas tetang keadaan riil seorang pustakawan dalam menjalankan rutinitasnya
Buku ini membahas tentang intisari konsep LibQual didasari oleh masih minimnya penelitian LibQual di Indonesia
The articles assembled in this volume offer a fresh approach to analysing the problem of corruption in developing countries and the k means to tackle the phenomenon.
PostgreSQL is the world's most advanced open-source database. PostgreSQL is the most comprehensive, in-depth, and easy-to-read guide to this award-winning database. This book starts with a thorough overview of SQL, a description of all PostgreSQL data types, and a complete explanation of PostgreSQL commands.